Western Antique Aeroplane & Automobile Museum
Hood River, Oregon - page 3 (1950-1974)

The tiny Crosley automobile was powered by a 26.5 hp engine. The entry level model was priced at $882. 6,791 Crosleys were produced in the 1950 model year.

This top-of-the line Eldorado was originally priced at $6,556 and had a 305 hp V8 engine. This convertible example is one of only 2,150 produced in 1956.

The 1957 Beech Super 18 had a capacity of two crew and seven passengers. The aircraft was powered by two Pratt & Whitney engines with outputs of 450 hp each. The Super 18 had a top speed of 219 mph and is pictured with a 1948 Chevrolet Town Sedan which had a top speed less than 100 mph.

My friend Ray used to have one of these - in Dark Candy Apple Red. His had chromed tubular foot guards with two Hella horns, chromed megaphone exhausts and a chrome fitting on the back for mounting saddle bags. I rode Ray's Enfield once and found it to be a powerful and scary machine.
This is amost a dead ringer for my old college car, a 1963 Bug. Seeing this one sure brought back memories.
This four-seat convertible is one of 287 manufactured.

| Museum page 1 (pre-1930) | Museum page 2 (1930 - 49) | Museum page 3 (1950 & newer) |
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