Western Antique Aeroplane & Automobile Museum
Hood River, Oregon - page 1
Located In Hood River, Oregon, the Western Antique Aeroplane & Automobile Museum contains a large collection of airworthy antique aircraft and operable antique automobiles. The museum has 75 airplanes and in excess of 100 automobiles. Various memorabilia (signs, old radios, scale models and military items) are also on exhibit.
Many old radios are on display including a Hopalong Cassidy model:

This six-cylinder, 92 hp Chrysler has a top speed of speed 80 mph and originally cost $3,400. Coachwork is by Phillips Custom Body Co. of Warren, Ohio. This example has been fully restored from a burned-out wreck by owner Don Briggs.
This three-seat open cockpit biplane was powered by a 220 hp Continental engine, had a top speed of 120 mph and was one of 220 built. Brunner-Winkle went out of business in 1931.

| Museum page 1 (pre-1930) | Museum page 2 (1930 - 49) | Museum page 3 (1950 & newer) |
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