Hood River, Oregon - 2012
Except for the modern vehicles on the streets, Hood River appears to have been time-frozen in the 1920s. The Columbia River can be seen at the bottom of the Second St. hill.

Overlook Memorial Park honors local veterans who died in wars and conflicts. Located on State St. at the top of Second St., it has a fountain that mimics the numerous Columbia Gorge waterfalls. The stairway leads to Horsefeathers restaurant and Big Horse Brew Pub, one of several micro-breweries in the area.
The mighty Columbia River as seen from the balcony of our riverside hotel room - a gaggle of geese can be seen floating down the river:

A nighttime view of the mile-long Hood River-White Salmon Bridge that spans the Columbia River, connecting Oregon and Washington (photo taken from the balcony of our hotel room at 10:00 pm)
There are over a dozen wineries in Hood River. The Naked Winery offers quite a selection, including Booty Call Blush, Penetration Cabernet, Vixen Syrah, Foreplay Chardonnay, Sugar Mama Muscat, Dominatrix Pinot Noir ("flavors of strawberry and sweet tarts lash out at your taste buds making you beg for more") and Gay Rosé (described as "light and fruity in a fabulous way").

Below are the tasting rooms of the Cathedral Ridge Winery (left) and the Gorge White House & Winery (right):

Leaping salmon sculpture at the Bonneville Dam Fish Hatchery in Cascade Locks, OR
Although we saw him briefly, we didn't get a photo of Herman the Sturgeon at the Sturgeon Viewing Center. Herman is ten feet long, weighs 425 pounds and is over 70 years old. This is a photo of one of his slightly-smaller buddies.
Carol fed the trout at one of the ponds and caused a feeding frenzy:
A complete trip report with additional photos is posted here.

Three pages of photos from the Western Antique Aeroplane & Automobile Museum in Hood River begin here.

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